Tag Archives: bbc

Twitter, Vlogs and Vidlogue entering mainstream

A couple of numbers and a publisher heavyweight now support our long-held opinion at Holler that twittering and video responses and dialogues are entering the mainstream. Twitter is the fastest growing social media site with 343% YOY growth thanks to big press coverage and election tie ins. In contrast to out-of-favour SecondLife the hype is less founded on a snazzy interface but a myriad of extensions, connections to other platforms and real and lasting changes to user behaviour/patterns.

Wearing my Twitter shirt / by nialkennedy

Wearing my Twitter shirt / by nialkennedy

Apparently it is enough of a pull to lure Britney Spears into using it and lest we forget, MC Hammer has threatened that it’s Twittertime!. The current WIRED has a funny opinion piece by Valleywagger Paul Boutin (commented here by The Guardian) suggesting to “kill your blog” and to use twitter instead: more personal, more succinct with nice brevity and mobile/ubiquituous character. He even condensed his whole article into

@WiredReader: Kill yr blog. 2004 over. Google won’t find you. Too much cruft from HuffPo, NYT. Commenters are tards. C u on Facebook?

On the video front, my term of “vidlogue” is probably as silly as the next phrase, trying to encompass time-delayed video chats and video responses. But if the term catches on, I am claiming full and complete genius for coining it. If it has been coined by someone else before, I am claiming full DUH!-ness for not knowing.

Anyway, the BBC is now offering a sort of talk back (“Have Your Say”) on hot topics like the Credit Crisis in the following video sharing formats: Seesmic, Qik, Phreadz and 12seconds.

Twhirl with Seesmic player / by stevegarfield

Twhirl with Seesmic player / by stevegarfield

It would be interesting to see if participation in these four places outnumbers the manual video uploads from users’ hard drives (which I predict it will). Submissions to the services or the BBC directly are potentially going on air (regular TV that is). The equivalent for us in digital adland would be to take YouTube submissions from a branded channel going onto Australian TV. Imagine the above-the-line ad guys developing an ulcer over this: no pre-tested storylines, no uber-important director and talent casting and worst of all, no exotic location for the shoot (Shazza’s bedroom anyone?)

Next time we get challenged on why these tools make sense in a campaign we’ll share some numbers (please add more stat links if you have). It is definitely not Geek anymore…

Surfacing digital in physical: How data is changing our streets and cities

On Thursday May 15 I have the pleasure of hosting the next Creative Social, the global digital collective/get-together brought to Sydney by Profero.

I invited the immensely thoughtful Dan Hill, who was leading the design on BBC’s and Monocle‘s web sites before joining Arup in Sydney. Dan writes amazingly dense blog posts on City of Sound and I tend to read them after work as I am otherwise not able to catch enough time or head space. My former St.Edmonds Lab fellow Dave King confesses to actually printing them out.

But enough of this intro, I am making him appear to be an über-bookworm while in fact Dan is a very inspiring and resourceful mind. Dan previews his talk with the following:


Surfacing digital in physical: How data is changing our streets and cities

image of Melbourne by Wanderungen

The streets are now alive with data, invisible but all pervasive. Buildings can now talk to each other and virtually every object that comes within range, human or not. Given this new potential, how do we design better streets, better buildings? How should we see the street as a platform? What are the creative challenges now that we can make things talk?

We’ll pause to consider the volume of data already immersing our streets, before moving on through a whirlwind global tour of best practice in:

* designing digital systems for physical spaces;
* interactive architecture and new materials in facades;
* sensing the digital traces left by people in cities;
* new wayfinding and transit systems;
* the interplay between mobile devices and streets


I am sure the talk plus questions and discussion will be pretty inspiring for all of us. His post on how a game like GTA adds to the “visualization” of Los Angeles (just like Chinatown did as a movie) is definitely a good intro to Thursday’s event.
Santa Maria in GTA
image of GTA by Dan Hill

For those who would like to learn more about Dan’s work on media design / webcasting, this is quite a treasure post on the design process and brand building at Monocle.com and this one documents the work on “re-inventing radio” at the BBC a couple of years earlier.

image of Monocle by Dan Hill