Tag Archives: design

Toilet Announcement Design

Here at Reactive Sydney we have discovered a (pardon the pun) shit hot toilet announcement designer. And no, you can’t have him, he is ours!
With some truly mad clipart skillz, this guy is laying it down like there is no tomorrow.

So check out his mind-blowing layout and weep:

  1. Clear and concise,  sans serif and sans nonsense messaging:
  2. Flanked by two business chicks holding the headline in balance (one giving you the lowdown, one apologising for it)
  3. plus a hot dog (in case you feel a No 2 coming on),
  4. pointing to the call-to-action – handyman (who is hopefully on his way),
  5. and a cute (brand-building) kitten. Why not? They make everything better.

Toilet Announcement Designphoto 1 (6)

FontFont your BlogBlog – try custom fonts before you buy

I have never learned to tweak CSS (and I am sure it is a lot of fun!). And having to rely on a generic “off the shelf” blog design always lies heavy on my conscience. Luckily, the guys from FontShop have come up with a genius web tool called FontFonter to make me see the light and finally do something about it. This is a great product experience as well as a brilliant sales tool. Go on and quickly discover a better look for any site at http://fontfonter.com . And make sure to try the Meta typeface.

FontFonter version of this blog

FontFonter version of this blog

(Disclosure: I used to be an employee of MetaDesign in Berlin, so I basically ate Meta morning, noon and night. And our presentations and wireframes were built in InDesign and not Powerpoint or Omnigraffle. But that’s another story.)

Exploring the visual difference between Melbourne and Sydney