Tag Archives: photography

Photographer gives 100 models a Blow Job

Lithuanian photographer Tadas Černiauskas held a very special photo shoot. People visiting his studio (as part of Vilnius Design Weekend) were literally blown away by a strong current of air. Tadas called his photo session fittingly “Blow Job”.

“I wanted to do something very fun for myself and the visitors, just laugh and have a good time. I was surprised that there were so many laid-back people who were not afraid to look funny! Spacious studio was bursting at the seams and everyone was crying with laughter, laughing at themselves and at each other. Everyone (and there were more than one hundred!) who dared to stand up in front of my lens that evening will remember this photo shoot for a long time and have an extraordinary shot in his album,” said Tadas Černiauskas.

Visit his site tadaocern.com and for more faces you can check his facebook page.


Get involved with Creative Social Sydney

We interviewed our speakers Louise and Richard before Tuesday’s get together at MOJO / Amnesia Razorfish and here’s the video of the night, a bit rough around the edges.

Here are also a few snapshots taken during the two talks.

Creative Social at MOJO / Amnesia Razorfish

Creative Social at MOJO / Amnesia Razorfish

Both speakers are keen to take their projects further, so if you are intrigued by their work, identify with their projects and feel like you could contribute, please do get in touch via their respective sites:

Louise Hawson’s 52 Suburbs
Louise is planning to get ’52 Cities’ underway soon, and you would guess she is not talking about 52 cities within Australia. So as per Ben Cooper‘s suggestion, you might see her project gain traction on Kickstarter soon.

Richard Vevers Underwater Sydney
Richard’s project is getting major digital support from BMF through our Creative Social member Aaron Michie. But BMF building a new site won’t be enough, so if you are an agency willing to donate time and expertise in whatever field of communication, please get in touch. The underwater sea life literally needs more visibility.

The next Creative Social takes place at The Hallway, hosted by Jules Hall and Jamie Corker, speaker still to be announced.

Creative Social featuring ’52 Suburbs’ and ‘Underwater Sydney’

I am really excited about tonight’s Creative Social (more on CS below), this time hosted by Amnesia Razorfish and myself here at MOJO. We have the pleasure of welcoming two speakers, both ex-advertising professionals, who explore our home town Sydney in very artistic and unusual ways.

Creative Social at MOJO invite

Creative Social at MOJO invite

Louise Hawson is the author of popular blog 52 Suburbs, a search for beauty in Sydney’s more than 600 suburbs. Her work consist mainly of photo diptychs, taken in documentary style over the course of (you guessed it) one year. The body of work is now being turned into a book (to be released in May as part of Sydney Writers Festival) and an exhibition (to be opened at Museum of Sydney May 14) . Have a peek at the list of suburbs and see if yours has been explored by her.

52 Suburbs at redfern

52 Suburbs at Redfern by Louise Hawson

Our second speaker is Richard Vevers who is a member of Underwater Sydney, a conservation effort for Sydney’s beautiful underwater coastline. He will speak about his passion for diving and underwater photography – and how it took him to get involved in this noble cause.

Nudibranch by Richard Vevers

Nudibranch by Richard Vevers

Creative Social Sydney is a monthly get together of digital CDs and senior thinkers in the industry. We get involved in advising industry bodies such as IAB or ADMA, think about how to get greater and more innovative work out there, have the voice of digital creativity be heard more often, and invite inspirational speakers. Originally started in London by Mark Chalmers and Daniele Fiandaca who will be present tonight as he is in town with HyperIsland. It is now happening in numerous cities around the globe, and the lucky ones even get to travel around and have coffee in other fantastic cities (not us sadly).

20 Years – 20 Hours: Commemorating the Fall of the Berlin Wall

These photos form an exhibition I curated/commissioned for Beck’s. It opens on Nov 1, 2009 in four venues across Australia. Check the Beck’s site for details.For me it is bit of a journey into my own past as well as showing the contemporary Berlin. Most of these places of improvisation, experimentation and creative expression were very much part of my student and early professional years in the always-changing city, Berlin. And since I am German and vividly remember the wall coming down I am celebrating 20 years of reunification, of my people peacefully overcoming such a horrendous monument. Maybe something you start appreciating even more when you move far away.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Exploring the visual difference between Melbourne and Sydney