Tag Archives: award

Circus – Festival of Commercial Creativity

I am lucky enough to be invited to act as commentator, Tweeter, blogger and (buzzword) ‘content curator’ of AWARD’s Circus 2013. This is my summary of Day One, the Keynote speakers.


“Going through your Instagrams is the new way of note taking.” There, I’ve said it. Or better: I’ve borrowed this thought from a tweet that was sent during Circus. Which nicely illustrates my point: What good is a creative festival if you aren’t in discourse with the other attendees? Luckily, Circus delivers that in spades. And interactivity is not confined to the electronic space.


As Anthony Freedman encouraged us to ‘step outside the industry for a while’, Craig Davis went further and had us all take off our shoes and stand up to get a true sense of grounding. Master of Ceremony Joe Talcott made us search for post it notes, detect the hoaxes within the speakers’ CVs and kept our minds open for the next big thought. Like The Rise of Conscious Capitalism. Or Facebook’s Speed to Create and China’s Speed to Market. Brands’ Open APIs and Shops as Open Theatres. Or Coca-Cola’s Liquid and Linked Ideas.


Jonathan Mildenhall – http://www.jonathanmildenhall.com

Jonathan Mildenhall’s guided tour through Coca-Cola’s Content 2020 strategy was indeed a big opener of Day One, expertly delivered by voice and illustrated by hand. And apart from the strong belief in a new, dynamic way of storytelling that permeates Jonathan’s work, his keynote taught me the wonderful word of ‘womanity‘. I am not 100% sure about its semantic difference to ‘womanhood’. But Jon used it to describe Madonna’s ‘fierce, independent womanity’. And if there is one woman that deserves a new gender expression it’s Madonna.

Speaking of semantics, Joe Talcott rounded up the day nicely with a plea to reconsider one of the most popular hashtags: #Fail and its grandiose cousin #EpicFail. Maybe next time replace it with #thanksforthelesson, or #don’tgiveup or #learn. Now there’s a thought to borrow.

Day Two’s program can be found on the Circus website.

Global Australian of the Year Award

Last night saw the Inaugural Global Australian of the Year Award, hosted at Sydney Town Hall and  initiated and organised by Advance. As per Advance’s own definition, it is “a community of global Australians who are able to make a difference for Australians, Australian companies and Australia around the globe. We believe Australian talent is one of our greatest exports and resources.”

See the nicely decorated venue below and spot the visual identity of two overlapping ripples, created by Pim Van Nunen at Publicis Mojo, proud  supporters of Advance.

Advance at Town Hall

Advance at Town Hall

It was indeed a humbling experience to see so many highly successful and at the same time giving and community-minded Australians up on stage. Many of the prize winners had foreign-born parents, some of which proudly accepted the prizes on behalf of their children working overseas. No surprise for such a young and immigration-oriented country, their backgrounds ranged from Holland, Denmark and Germany to Vietnam and Malaysia. See their new website and winners here.

Dr. Adeeba Kamarulzaman

Dr. Adeeba Kamarulzaman

Jeremy Heimans

Jeremy Heimans

The new Advance logo on an idea bulb

The new Advance logo on an 'idea bulb'

1 Caples for 6 Beers – and the whole award credit business

Holler has received the good news that 2 1 finalist at the Caples Awards in New York went to us and BMF. The project “6 Beers of Separation” was entered by BMF in several categories and among others received accolades in Interactive. I strongly recommend coming to an agreement between digital specialists and (for lack of a better term) ATL agencies. After some intense and ultimately rewarding campaigns with BMF we now came to an agreement which will take some of the stress out of crediting who for what at award time. And nobody needs more cat fights at Cannes.

Aggressive Cat is aggressive

Michael Lebowitz vs David Lubars

All entries on tightly integrated campaigns will be entered jointly and effort, credits and fees shared. Interactive/Online-focussed categories receive a Holler/BMF entry, categories that look at the integration/360-aspect of the campaign feature a BMF/Holler crediting. Campaigns such as “6 Beers” (Tooheys Extra Dry) and “Birds vs Humans (Tooheys Extra Dry 5 Seeds) rely so much on the interactive work and at the same time stem from unique narrative, style and ideas that it doesn’t make much sense to separate the agencies behind it.

Update: It was my error to assume that the Online category would be about our part of the campaign. It wasn’t and therefore the 1 Caples is the only finalist where Holler shares a mention with BMF. Hope this makes everything clear and takes any non-existing controversy out of the game.

Up The Trees / Tooheys Extra Dry 5 Seeds

Up The Trees - Interactive Adventure