Tag Archives: MetaDesign

10 years of Creative Social

CreativeSocial is celebrating its 10th Birthday. While we in our Sydney chapter can’t put that many candles on the cake (I think we started in or around 2006), we are still very excited to celebrate alongside our London comrades this November.

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Co-founder Daniele Fiandaca posted about it already. Passing this decade milestone means we’ll be curating a month of content with the help of the socials and some of the friends we’ve made along the way. There will be plenty of video interviews, thought pieces and opinion posts all celebrating a decade of CS over on the official CreativeSocial blog.


Guest contributors will include Nathan Cooper (@Rubbishcorp) Founder of Rubbishcor, Gareth Jones (@CJ) Global Chief Brand & Content Officer, DigitasLBi, Patrick Collister (@directnewideas) Head of Design at Google, Emily Hare (@contagious) Managing Editor at Contagious Magazine and our ‘local boy done good’ Aden Hepburn (@adenhepburn) MD & DCD at VML Australia, founder of Digital Buzz Blog.

See the first of the videos that we made with some of the socials above, you will discover yours truly looking back on his role at MetaDesign in 2004

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FontFont your BlogBlog – try custom fonts before you buy

I have never learned to tweak CSS (and I am sure it is a lot of fun!). And having to rely on a generic “off the shelf” blog design always lies heavy on my conscience. Luckily, the guys from FontShop have come up with a genius web tool called FontFonter to make me see the light and finally do something about it. This is a great product experience as well as a brilliant sales tool. Go on and quickly discover a better look for any site at http://fontfonter.com . And make sure to try the Meta typeface.

FontFonter version of this blog

FontFonter version of this blog

(Disclosure: I used to be an employee of MetaDesign in Berlin, so I basically ate Meta morning, noon and night. And our presentations and wireframes were built in InDesign and not Powerpoint or Omnigraffle. But that’s another story.)