Mumbai terror creates office warfare

Often ad servers create inappropriate on-screen combinations (example from same news topic here), but a CMS seems to be able to present tasteless combos equally well. If the content management system of The Age is correct, there seems to be a strong connection between Anti-Western terrorism on the subcontinent and “desktop rage”… you know, those moments when you simply want to blow the accounting department to smithereens.

Mumbai terror creates office warfare

Mumbai terror creates office warfare

Aaron Wallis spotted a similar FAIL on BBC Asia, that one proposing to switch from one kind of stress to an even higher level of alertness.

What can be done to prevent this? Maybe an exemption or special classification of certain pages of high emtional/moral/ethical interest? Putting eyeballs/manual editorial control over them? Wait for the semantic web with an ethical understanding to arrive?

One response to “Mumbai terror creates office warfare

  1. Talk about context-“sensitive” advertising.

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